Saturday, December 7, 2013

What men and women dislike about the other

No relationship nor partner will be perfect.  There will inevitably be something that bothers you.  However, there are some qualities that men and women frequently dislike about the other.

Qualities men often dislike about women:
Tells him what to do all the time
Tries to change him
Compares him to past boyfriends
Frequently blames or criticizes him
Takes too long to get ready
Takes a long time to shop or try on clothes
Picky or small eater
Needy or clingy
Overly sensitive
Gold digger, expects him to always pay

Qualities women often dislike about men:
Emotionally closed
Selfish or inconsiderate
All talk, no action
Cannot commit
Checks out other women
Poor conversationalist (in person or over phone)
Poor listener
Messy or dirty
Body odor