Saturday, March 16, 2013

The first date kiss

I think the most awkward part of a first date is the goodbye.  Do you wave goodbye, shake hands, hug, or kiss?  If you are thinking about kissing, here are some tips:

Kiss or no kiss?
Sorry, guys, but you are expected to initiate the kiss.  We understand that this is unfair and it may be difficult to read women to decide whether they want to be kissed or not.  But if you think the date went well and your date won't mind or wants to be kissed, then go for the plunge.

Cheek or lips?
For the first kiss, a simple sweet kiss on the cheek is a safe bet.  Not all women want to be kissed on the lips on the first date, and some women do not prefer public display of affection.

Timing is everything
I would suggest kissing your date at the end of the date rather than during the date (unless there really is a magical moment in the middle of the date where the kiss would be appropriate, but this doesn't often happen since your date is often in the middle of drinking/eating/talking and you are still trying to figure out whether your date is interested in you).

Bad breath
You may be the best kisser but having bad breath ruins a great kiss.  Carry Listerine dissolving strips with you.  It works faster and is more inconspicuous than breath mints.

No slobbery kisses, please!
If your date wipes her cheek or mouth after the kiss, then that implies that the kiss was too wet.  Swallow your saliva before the next kiss. 

Keep your eyes closed
A kiss can be going really well but if you are caught with your eyes open, that just ruins it.

Length of kiss
It is safe to keep a kiss short and simple on the first date, especially if this is the first time you are meeting her.  It may be better not to kiss too long or french unless your date really seems into you or your kiss.  If you have known each other for a while in the past and then decided to start dating, then a longer kiss is acceptable.  If you anticipate a longer kiss, make it more romantic by cupping her face with both hands, either to bring her face closer to yours to initiate the kiss or during the kiss.  No matter the length of the kiss, it is best to keep it sweet and soft. 

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