Sunday, September 23, 2018

Similarities between the dating market and the house market

While I was house hunting, I noticed the housing market is very similar to the dating market/online dating.

1. You learn about new prospects online which seem exciting and have potential.

2. Then you meet them/go to the open house, which makes you feel more excited because it may actually be "the one." Or you feel disappointed because the online pictures were deceiving.

3. Even when you see the person/house a few times and there seems to be potential when the other person seemingly likes you/when you make a bid, it may still not work because your prospect meets another person who seems more attractive/makes a higher bid.

4. Until you actually walk down the aisle/close on the house, anyone can break it off at any time.

5. But don't worry, another potential person/house will be available soon online.

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